Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Time

On Wednesday, my dear friend Anne came over with her babies and went swimming. Carly and Jamison are so big. I realized that I hadn't seen them since November! Here's some pics of their visit.

Later that evening Michelle came over with Callin and Ava. They are so precious and growing so fast! Here's some pics and video (hopefully) of the visit. Ava is trying so hard to crawl.

Okay, here's a prime example of not seeing something right in front of you. I was looking at our dog Phoenix and I always knew he had a cute pink birthmark on his mouth but never realized the shape that it's in. Can you guess the shape from the pics? It's so cute. It just blows my mind that I didn't see the shape before. He was not cooperating with the picture taking process.

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